Saturday, May 1, 2010

✚✛✛✛My 1st Practice✛✛✛✚

I've attended going 1 month in my University and I've joined a club called Folk Song~
and today is my 1st day practice for my 1st Live~ hehe~
I'm so excited..and about 2pm I ride my bike to school and still wondering which class~
But lucky, just went in the campus~ I can hear the music flowing.. hehe~
and I follow the music and saw my friends and senior playing at there..
Then till my group's turn and my senior lend me a bass~
FENDER's BASS sia~!! My dream bass... T_T
After that, we've practiced about 2 hours~
Then slacking while then back home.. ^^
my fingers ~ PAIN ~PAIN~
just poke my fingers also pain le.. *sniff* But I've enjoyed at there~
So far in University I've knew quite a lot of friends~ hehe
but my Japanese still very poor so still very hard to talking with them..
and sometimes cannot catch up their speed.. they talking too fast~ Sigh~
But I'll learn more and speak more.. hehehe~
I've took some photos ~

Sakura tree in front of Building of Art~ really nice
This is that classroom i practice song~
our small pa system
my senior practice another song~ Drummer: Kotou senpai Vocalist& Guitarist : Saga senpai



  1. LOL!!! Proton Saga XD Joke joke!!!

    I like the blackboard! LOL.. why.. cuz... ada hello kitty XD

  2. LOL~ i also got think tio proton saga when i heard his name..kekkeke~

  3. Wow... they got lots of Amp!!

    and the Equalizer is not small at all.. gonna cost you 200K yen for that.....

    Esuta> Got doraemon too. ^^

  4. Doraemon is that Kotou-senpai draw 1 o~~Each intrusment use 1 amp ma...sure got alot loh... no money ar~~~ left 30k now.. dunno how to alive for the next month now... anyone can donate me some money????? hehehehe~~
